Central Somalia

GOAT MILK Every morning you can have a good cup of cinnamon/cardomon tea with fresh goat milk. The best goat milk that is available in Somalia.

CAMEL MILKĀ : CAANO GEEL. Every day the camel caravans from the surrounding nomadic villages bring fresh camel milk. If refrigerated camel milk can remain fresh dhay for a week otherwise it becames sour caano garoor.

RAIN WATER and MINERAL WATER People in the region have learned how to harvest potable rain water, it is very pure and delicious. Different mineral waters from Mogadiscio, Puntland and UAE are also available.

FRUIT JUICE DRINKS At many local tea shops, stands and kioske one can find freshly squeezed juice drinks: mango, papaya, watermelon, ananas and the best one being spermuta from grapefruit to quench your thirst.

SOFT DRINKS Bottled soft drinks from the Coca Cola company in Mogadiscio are available.